Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Getting Off to a Flailing Start

As some of you know, I'm one quarter of the Web Team for the Homeless Animals Rescue Team. Recently I was going through some old files trying to find something we'd done for HART previously and found a bunch of the old designs we did for the website. After looking at them, and seeing where we came from to get to the current design, I thought it might be interesting for people to get a chance to see some of it. A blog seemed like a good way to go about that. Also, and I'm stealing this idea from my friend Christina, having something like this to write on might help me to get better at non-technical writing, and perhaps even help me to get better at designing stuff as I look at what we've done in the past.

So the basic purpose of this blog is to chronicle some of the work I do for the HART website, to explain where designs came from and how they changed, and maybe even why some things worked and others didn't. I'm sure some other stuff will crop up on here as I go along; I like to think there's a least a little that happens in my life outside of HART.