Thursday, September 30, 2010


I've decided to take a small break from posting about changes to the HART website to talk about something else for a bit.

After watching Apple's keynote a while back about the AppleTV, I wanted to get one; specifically the latest one. Most people who know Meg and I know that Apple products tend to cause an unnecessary lust in us. Having something that allows us to easily watch Netflix streaming on the bedroom TV without costing us extra subscription fees (looking at you, Xbox 360) sounded like a little bit of heaven. After doing some research though, I decided to go with a Roku player instead of the AppleTV.

If Apple products give Meg and I such boners*, why would we go with Roku? Was it the fact that the Roku was cheaper? No, but it helped. Was it the fact that the Roku provides a lot more functionality out of the box? Not really. So what was it? Cloth Tag.

It's like a stuffed animal I can't comfortably cuddle with!

It should arrive soon, and I'll probably post something about it.

* For some reason when Meg says that something gives her a boner it sounds funny; for me it sounds all kinds of creepy.

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