Thursday, September 30, 2010


I've decided to take a small break from posting about changes to the HART website to talk about something else for a bit.

After watching Apple's keynote a while back about the AppleTV, I wanted to get one; specifically the latest one. Most people who know Meg and I know that Apple products tend to cause an unnecessary lust in us. Having something that allows us to easily watch Netflix streaming on the bedroom TV without costing us extra subscription fees (looking at you, Xbox 360) sounded like a little bit of heaven. After doing some research though, I decided to go with a Roku player instead of the AppleTV.

If Apple products give Meg and I such boners*, why would we go with Roku? Was it the fact that the Roku was cheaper? No, but it helped. Was it the fact that the Roku provides a lot more functionality out of the box? Not really. So what was it? Cloth Tag.

It's like a stuffed animal I can't comfortably cuddle with!

It should arrive soon, and I'll probably post something about it.

* For some reason when Meg says that something gives her a boner it sounds funny; for me it sounds all kinds of creepy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Rough Cut

Fun Fact: When I was in high school, I made a website that
was basically nothing but beveled/embossed images. It's
apparently an addiction I've never kicked.
After taking Meg's initial sketch, we came up with.... this. I don't even know what to say about it; not one of our better designs. You can see the actual current layout in there, if in a rough state. The header is obviously completely different; a bit newsletter-y in all honesty. It has the upper and lower bars, Bob & Bonnie, links to GoodSearch, etc., the United Way & CFC banner, and the links to other adoption websites that we post our pets to. We wanted to have a solid header and footer that would appear on every page, and this is a start. We were trying to produce a glass-like effect on the two red bars, which we didn't manage to accomplish. From this version, the only things that made it onto the final website were Bob & Bonnie and the United Way/CFC banner.

As far as the content is concerned, the featured pets column may as well be empty. The announcements section is pretty close to finished. It's mostly just missing some of the coloring. The Events section isn't even a section at this point, just a banner and links to the adoption schedules.

Fun Fact: The Bob & Bonnie images were extracted pretty roughly
and have never been cleaned up. Why? Laziness mostly.
Here we cleaned up the header a little bit. Lost the ridiculous font and added some more base navigation. The significant change is the addition of the content to the Feature Pets column. We liked the idea of a short blurb stating what HART actually does. That text was part of the About HART section on the previous website, but it seems appropriate to not make a user click through to figure out what you're about. Since most people are visiting the website to actually adopt a dog or cat, we wanted to feature links to our major sections. You may notice a link to a "Precious Pets Ad." HART used to feature a pet in a local newspaper for a while, until it became incredibly expensive. We eventually replaced this link with one to a page listing our pets that have special needs. Seemed like a better use of the space.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It Starts

Paul and Joli had started to work on the website redesign before they'd brought us on board and had a basic framework of a new website already started. While I don't have a picture of their design, it had a lot of the elements that made it into the final design. Meg and I took what they'd started and began to merge it into the designs we'd been working on.

The beginnings of the final design
The design lost the menu on the left, which really wasn't all that necessary. It also cut the page width to 800 pixels to prevent scrolling from side to side on most displays. The page also gained a solid footer which helped to frame the design.

You can see the major block elements that make up the current homepage here: Announcements, Upcoming Events, Adoptable and Featured Pets. These would get rearranged a bit, but they're there.

The final design doesn't have an explicit fund raising area on the homepage, but that was done to help prevent the page from becoming cluttered again.

While I was playing around with this layout, Meg sketched some stuff out in Photoshop.

Insert content here
It looks incredibly simple, but it's from this image that the entire current design came about.